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Friday, July 1, 2011


http://creeklife.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/fear-of-flying.gif?w=226&h=228I LOVE this story now when the boss ask me what wrong with me today I'll tell him I have  "AERODROMEPHOBIA" THE FEAR OF AIRPORTS. In the story it say that travelers experiences stress due to having to follow instructions that are likely to change at the last minute, and unpredictable. That is my day changing at the last minute and always unpredictable. Between TSA and the FAA who has more last minute changes in their process and procedures? Now since we have an ailment could we get extra time off or extra help with the work? 

Have a great safe day, and try to not let your Aerodromephobia get out of hand.



Do you have airport phobia?

iol travel march 8 jkf airport pic
Millions of travelers find airports so stressful that they have given up flying, a report reveals.
While most refuse to give up their holidays, the study shows four in ten Britons who have flown find the airport experience stressful.
More than a third believe it is worse than work, and nearly a quarter think it as stressful as moving house.
Of the 2,000 holidaymakers questioned, nine percent - or almost four million in the wider traveling population - now avoid flying because of airport stress including flight delays, mislaid belongings and getting to the gate on time. Almost half of travelers believe a holiday doesn’t start until they have left the airport.
The research, conducted for the credit-card insurer CPP, found passengers thought Heathrow was Britain’s most stressful airport, followed by Gatwick and Manchester.
Psychologist David Moxon said: “Humans are wired to experience stress in situations where many feel out of control.
“Airports - where you have to follow instructions that are likely to change at the last minute, and procedures that are unpredictable - lead many to react with a stress response.” - Daily Mail 

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