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Friday, July 8, 2011

Remembering the Shuttle: Atlantis' final ride

http://galaxywire.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/space_shuttle_enterprise_test.jpgHas is really been 30 years? I can remember the first time I saw the new space craft that would replace the rocket and the "space" capsule. It was something out of Buck Rodger's. NASA was taking Enterprise up on the back of a 747 and dropping it. Then they launched Columbia, WOW what a sight. As a kids I was excited, with this aircraft looking space vehicle it was just a matter of time before everyone would be traveling through the stars.

Oh course just like every other new technology the shuttle had it's rough moments. I can still remember watching the Challenger breaking apart after launch. Then the years later the Columbia broke apart returning, reminding us all that space travel is still very dangerous.

http://blogs.abcnews.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/12/30/nm_shuttle_columbia_crew_081230_mai.jpgWith the final flight of the Space Shuttle program underway, I wonder what NASA has in store for us for the next 30 years? And if available space travel will be here for my son?

Thanks for all the memories good and bad.


1 comment:

  1. Oh course just like every other new technology the shuttle had it's rough moments. I can still remember watching the Challenger breaking apart after launch. Then the years later the Columbia broke apart returning, reminding us all that space travel is still very dangerous. SMF shuttle service
